Without wasting time, below are the questions guys often ask during chat that shows they want s*x from ladies
1. What is your Bra Size?
What business does a dude have with a lady’s bra size if not to know how huge they are so as to know how to handle and squeeze the life out of them? If the lady says her bra is size 15, sorrow and discouragement overwhelms the guy, but if the lady says her size is 45, the dude will smile like someone who just made it to heaven. This lustful question is an indication that guys only want to have the sensation of bosoms.
2. Can You Send Me a s*xy** Picture?
When a dude is bent on seeing a lady’s selfie on the bed, this is a flirtatious sign that the son of lucifer wants nothing but s*x from the lady. If the lady says she’s currently wearing a jean trouser, the dude will begin to preach to her, telling her why it is rural and uncultured of her to wear a jean trouser to bed. Wetin consign you bros?
3. Do you know I wish You were Beside Me?
I repeat, when a dude asks this questions when it’s raining, he’s indirectly telling the lady that he wouldn’t hesitate to use her to cool off his joystick inside the cold weather
4. Can You cope without s*x?
I read a whatsapp chat between my girlfriend and a dude last week when he was asking if she could cope without s*x. My girlfriend replied telling him that she has been coping ever since she started dating the man of God years ago and that I have never for once attempted to kiss her let alone initiate s*x. I called him and began to use my Bible to rain curses on him because I knew he was aiming at bleeping my girlfriend
5. Will Your parents Allow Me inside Your Room ?
Some dudes are so bold that they wouldn’t hesitate to straf a lady in her parents’ house. However, before carrying out the act, they will ask the during if her parents are the strict or gentle type. This is to know if they stand a chance of bleeping the girl in her parents’ house.
6. What are You Putting on at the moment?
Guys often ask this awkward question when they want to coerce the lady into s*x chat. If the lady says she’s wearing a night gown, the dude might go as far as telling her to remove it. Wtf!!!
7. Are You Lying Down on the Bed?
If the lady says she’s truly lying on the bed, the next question is, “are you lying on your buttocks or bosoms? The truth cannot be far fetched here, he’s imagining himself being inside the room with her so as to caress her bosoms and butt
8. Are You a Virgin?
The man of God, Tosyne2much, used to be guilty of asking this shameful and flirtatious question before christ took control over my life in 1998. This is aimed at knowing if a lady is a novice or veteran in bed.
9. Do you know I Dreamt about You ?
Ask him what he dreamt about and he will begin to narrate how he dreamt that both of you kissing and cuddling at night. How come he didn’t dream about both of you singing praise and worship in church? Why is it kissing and cuddling? This is a proof that he wants s*x
10. Will You Bring Your Friend Along?
The dude only wants to know if he stands a chance to bleep her when she visits him. If the lady tells the dude that she’s coming with a friend, egbon will always find a way to her that he won’t be available as he will be going to work.
I drop my pen at this point
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